Created March 06, 2024
Allowing agents to control computers allows to automate various tasks, harbouring enormous potential. Nonetheless, the current level of advancement in computer control remains notably imperfect. This article delves into the constraints of computer control and explores how leveraging natural intelligence can mitigate these shortcomings.
- english
- deep-learning
- computer-control
- phd
Created February 20, 2024
Allowing agents to control computers allows to automate various tasks, harbouring enormous potential. Nonetheless, the current level of advancement in computer control remains notably imperfect. This article delves into the constraints of computer control and explores how leveraging natural intelligence can mitigate these shortcomings.
- english
- deep-learning
- computer-control
- phd
Created January 02, 2021
This post contains my notes from the second part about GAN's. Compared to my first post, this post contains more advanced topics.
- english
- deep-learning
- computer-vision
Created January 01, 2021
I've been working through the course about GAN's on Coursera. This blog post includes my personal notes from the first two parts. It provides a good explanation of what GAN's are and why they are useful.
- english
- deep-learning
- computer-vision
Created October 17, 2019
Als erstes Projekt im Bereich AI habe ich einen Agent implementiert, der das Spiel 2048 spielt. Dazu habe ich verschiedene Heursitiken sowie einen RL-Ansatz verwendet.
- german
- ai
- homework
- bachelor